Canuck Place Children's Hospice
Canuck Place Fall 2020 50/50 Draw

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Vancouver Hospice

Canuck Place Children’s Hospice provides complex pediatric palliative care for more than 818 children with life-threatening illnesses and their families, across BC and Yukon.

Compassionate care

Canuck Place nurses and physicians offer specialized care through home visits across BC and Yukon, and operate a 24-hour nursing line for families, caregivers, and clinicians in rural and urban areas.

A place where kids can still be kids

Through cherished memories, shared experiences, and sacred mementos, the Canuck Place recreational therapy program empowers children and families to live a full life with the time they have left together.

Complex care across the province

With in-home care, telephone and video conferencing, plus our 24-hour nursing line, families have access to Canuck Place care across the entire province.

Medical respite

“Canuck Place is a primary place of medical respite for our family. I know Heston is in expert care with the nurses and doctors on staff. They give our family a much-needed break from Heston’s 24-7 care.” – Canuck Place mom Kerena

Grief, Loss & Bereavement Counselling

Canuck Place counsellors support families as they navigate through their grief by addressing the emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial needs of parents, siblings, and grandparents.

25 years of exceptional care

At Canuck Place, we can’t add days to the life of a child, but we an add life to their days. With you, for 25 years, Canuck Place has been providing exceptional complex medical care, while helping children and families embrace living a full life.
Current 50/50 Jackpot
Winner takes half
50/50 tickets are:
3-Ticket Pack for $5;
7-Ticket Pack for $10;
50-Ticket Pack for $20 Sold out;
150-Ticket Pack for $50 Sold out

Tickets may be sold and purchased in British Columbia only. Orders will not be accepted via the Internet from anyone outside the Province of British Columbia.

Deadline: Midnight, Sunday, November 15, 2020
Draw: Monday, November 16, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

Canuck Place Children's Hospice
50/50 Draw presented by HomeLife Realty Services

A full life has a million moments, and at Canuck Place we believe that the shortest lives should be the fullest of them all.

Winners list for
Canuck Place Fall 2020 50/50 Draw

Category Prize ▼ Ticket Name Town
50/50  50/50 [show more]   501333  C. Nichols-Ledger  Salt Spring Island, BC  


Canuck Place Children’s Hospice is British Columbia and Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider. Over 818 children living with life-threatening illnesses and families receive care from Canuck Place through outpatient programs and two inpatient provincial hospice locations with 13 patient beds and 8 family suites: Vancouver and Abbotsford. Services include medical respite and family support, pain and symptom management, 24-hour phone consultation support and in-house clinical care, music, art and recreation therapy, education, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling, as well as end-of-life care. Through the investment of the community, our talented team, and over 400 energetic volunteers we make a lasting difference in the lives of children and the families who love them.

Important dates

Deadline: Midnight, Sunday, November 15, 2020
Draw date: Monday, November 16, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

Ticket packs

50/50 tickets are:
3-Ticket Pack for $5,
7-Ticket Pack for $10,
50-Ticket Pack for $20 Sold out,
150-Ticket Pack for $50 Sold out.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many tickets are available for sale?
    There are 905,000 tickets available for sale.
  2. How much do tickets cost?
    3-Ticket Pack for $5, 7-Ticket Pack for $10, 50-Ticket Pack for $20, 150-Ticket Pack for $50,
  3. Can I request a specific ticket number?
    No. Ticket numbers are computer-generated in ascending order starting at a pre-determined number.
  4. When are the deadlines for ticket sales?
    Final Sales Deadline: Midnight, Sunday, November 15, 2020
  5. What are the odds of winning?
    Chances are 1 in 905,000 (total tickets for sale) to win a prize. Actual odds depend on number of tickets sold.

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Chances are 1 in 905,000 (total tickets for sale) to win the 50/50 prize.
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