Canuck Place Children's Hospice
Canuck Place Fall 2020 50/50 Draw

Shared 2109 times

Winners list for
Canuck Place Fall 2020 50/50 Draw

Category Prize ▼ Ticket Name Town
50/50  50/50 [show more]   501333  C. Nichols-Ledger  Salt Spring Island, BC  


Canuck Place Children’s Hospice is British Columbia and Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider. Over 818 children living with life-threatening illnesses and families receive care from Canuck Place through outpatient programs and two inpatient provincial hospice locations with 13 patient beds and 8 family suites: Vancouver and Abbotsford. Services include medical respite and family support, pain and symptom management, 24-hour phone consultation support and in-house clinical care, music, art and recreation therapy, education, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling, as well as end-of-life care. Through the investment of the community, our talented team, and over 400 energetic volunteers we make a lasting difference in the lives of children and the families who love them.

Important dates

Deadline: Midnight, Sunday, November 15, 2020
Draw date: Monday, November 16, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

Ticket packs

50/50 tickets are:
3-Ticket Pack for $5,
7-Ticket Pack for $10,
50-Ticket Pack for $20 Sold out,
150-Ticket Pack for $50 Sold out.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many tickets are available for sale?
    There are 905,000 tickets available for sale.
  2. How much do tickets cost?
    3-Ticket Pack for $5, 7-Ticket Pack for $10, 50-Ticket Pack for $20, 150-Ticket Pack for $50,
  3. Can I request a specific ticket number?
    No. Ticket numbers are computer-generated in ascending order starting at a pre-determined number.
  4. When are the deadlines for ticket sales?
    Final Sales Deadline: Midnight, Sunday, November 15, 2020
  5. What are the odds of winning?
    Chances are 1 in 905,000 (total tickets for sale) to win a prize. Actual odds depend on number of tickets sold.

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Chances are 1 in 905,000 (total tickets for sale) to win the 50/50 prize.
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